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Luxury vs Necessity


Thomas Edison said, "The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." And so it is in some parts of the world today simply because modern medicine isn't available. However this shouldn't be the case, we should instead look to be more healthy through our food choices and thus alleviate the need for most modern medicine.

J.I. Rodale was a proponent of natural farming methods in the early 1900's. His experiments showed improvements to both his health and the land he farmed. My Grandparents were followers of his. He started the Rodale institute to educate both farmers and consumers about the benefits of organic farming. Today Diana Martin, director of communications for the Rodale Institute says, "We can use agriculture to heal and planet and sequester carbon, and, if you care about animal, raising them organically causes them less stress, which benefits our food."

In 2013 a report by UNH stated Americans were spending 20% of their income on medical expenses and only 10% on their food. Today we can safely say the number spent on medical expenses has nearly doubled yet the number on food spending remains the same. Why? Can spending a bit more on our food today lessen our future spending on medical cost? Yes!

Organically grown food has been made to feel like boutique food, but it's not fancy, it's just food grown without chemicals. Food grown to benefit the environment and us.

We have whole, half and quarter beef still available, grass fed and dry aged for the best nutritional value and taste. Starting at $4.60 per pound! Our Berkshire pasture raised pork can't be beat! It's available in both cured or uncured. There are still half and whole pork available. Starting at only $3.95 per pound! It's Spring and we have whole and half grass fed and finished lamb available! At $6.50 per pound it's the lowest priced lamb available on the market today! They are mild in flavor and absolutely the easiest meat for your body to digest. If a half or whole animal is too much for your family our CSA shares are a great way to go. We just received a fresh batch of raw honey, never filtered or pasteurized! straight off the hive! This is hands down the best raw honey at the best price only $28 for 5 lb. tub.

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