When animals are allowed to roam free eat what they naturally crave and are lovingly cared for they live stress free lives. What this means to us is good quality meat, a healthy source of protein. All of the meat we sell comes from such animals. They are responsibly butchered in a non stressful way at a small butcher shop with a USDA inspector present at all times. With the resent recalls on beef around the country https://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsis/topics/recalls-and-public-health-alerts/recall-case-archive/archive/2019/recall-043-2019-release we are more convinced than ever this is the way to buy meat for our family and yours.
We have only 3 weeks until animals go to the butcher! It's time to get your orders in for the next drop already. Our next drop in on June 7th in the evening. We have plenty of pasture raised Berkshire pork, grass fed beef and grass fed lambs for this drop. We just received a new batch of extra light amber clover honey. 5lb. tub for only $28!
What will you be serving for Cinco de Mayo? We will be throwing some grass fed flank steak on the grill for some awesome carne asada. The weather is getting warmer and that mean lots of family and friends over for grilling.